Tuesday 23 September 2008

Cleveland, Ohio

I have found reasonably convincing proof that America is a more advanced nation than England:

1. Peanut butter pie
2. Peanut butter cup Ben & Jerry's ice cream
3. No waiting list for an allotment (here at least)

On the other hand, there are a few stikes against:

1. One train per day out of Cleveland in each direction - both between 2 and 3 am
2. No pedestrian access to Cleveland's long distance train station (!)
3. Local taxes spent buying the most expensive site in the city and building an America Football stadium on it - used only 9 times a year and unaffordable for the majority of residents of the city...
4. Black poverty levels which make some streets look a lot closer to Umtata, South Africa than the rest of the USA

Most surreal experience in Cleveland: going to a public chalk art festival where a Caribbean band performed an hour of songs about how everyone should vote for Obama.

Word on the street is that he won't carry Ohio, and McCain knows it, so will campaign hard in the area in order to deplete the Obama camp funds.


Unknown said...

2 trains per day is OK if they go somewhere you want: New York would be worth staying up till 2am for, woudn't it?

Anglefish said...

Yes but by the laws of supply and demand less scarcity of allotments could mean less demand- ie less interest! And there´s definately no shortage of land supply in the U.S...