Sunday 21 September 2008

Friday 19th September 2008 – 17:25 local time (I think), Ziemia Cieszynska (Lake Ontario, near Niagara Falls)

More waiting. Our ETA seems to be constantly slipping away into the future.

The voyage was sold to me as 12 days – taken literally, we would have arrived at noon yesterday. We were delayed by Ike but on the basis of the times for the seaway, lakes and locks posted on the bridge we seemed on course to arrive today. But each of the times appears to be a slight underestimate, so we keep losing time.

Yesterday morning I calculated we would arrive at about 4am tomorrow, and by the evening we were told “reliably” it would be probably around 10am. Now it is looking more like 2pm. Small differences. But I am getting so expectant about disembarking – being able to choose my own food! Being able to call the people I'm staying with an apologise for being 3 days late. Being able to check my emails and write home etc – that every extra hour is almost physically painful, creating real anxiety in me.

This may also be because I am about to run out of comfort food (having carefully rationed it for an ETA of 18th plus one day contingency!).

1 comment:

mrsnormal said...

ifo only I'd known, I'd have sent you off with a giant tuck box. When your sainted grandma and I were in the Mountains of the Moon, we would put ourselves to sleep murmuring: 'cheese soufflee!' 'apple crumble!' 'chocolate mousse!'- a catalogue of foresworn pleasures. Hope you are now within reach of them, and will log in soon and often.