Sunday 28 September 2008

Detour into British politics

David Cameron plans to scrap a third runway at Heathrow in favour of a high speed rail network linking England's major cities.

It is so depressing that this has come from the Tories - I don't want to vote for them, but this kind of thing is so much more radical and optimistic than what feels like "business as usual" from Labour. Hopefully they'll catch on and adopt it, and no one will complain too much because it's such a good idea. Hmm, how likely is that?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

But isn't that (from Cameron) just cheap populism? Actually Heathrow is really easy to get to from lots of places but Kings Cross isn't unless you are already in central London. So making a difference to the volume of traffic from SE England to Scotland is really about Crossrail, the Overground and (my personal bugbear) facing down the nimbies of Borough Market who are preventing the upgrade of London Bridge and the Thameslink. No brave statements from DC about any of that, eh?