Monday 20 October 2008

Chicago III

Ellie put me onto this, Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama. Sorry it's a little late!

I was struck by Powell's eloquent critique of the differences between McCain and Obama. It was also noticeable that in seven minutes he said nothing about either candidate's policies. He focused on their characters, their different approaches to the campaign, and their personal abilities. Perhaps this shouldn't be a surprise: Powell may still be a Republican in terms of the policies he believes are best for the country, but have been so convinced by these other factors that they overrode his policy instincts.

But if this is the case, it suggests the same could happen to other Republicans. Indeed, the Huffington Post reports CBS's Bob Schieffer: Colin Powell was "saying aloud what a lot of Republicans have been saying privately". Which makes those stories of damascene conversion I was so dismissive of in September, sound rather more plausible.

1 comment:

Flora said...

either that, or they've all fallen under the spell of Pure Evil....have you seen the rumour that Barack Obama is actually the antichrist? Seems to be mostly founded on the idea that he's, like, freakishly charismatic and everyone, like, thinks he's so great, but, like, they can't see the truth....
pretty convincing eh?